Friday, January 23, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I am so excited! Charlie took breastmilk from a sippy cup! He started off rejecting his bottle that Randy tried to feed him. But, mommy stepped in and introduced a sippy cup. It worked! He got wrapped in a blanket and I just talked to him softly. He fussed a bit but eventually sucked it down. What a huge relief for me! I can't wait to tell his teachers at school on Monday! Randy is relieved too since I am going to be going out of town this week for work. We are going to try again tomorrow - hopefully with the same results. Wish us luck!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Refusing Bottles

Okay, I need some wisdom here. For the past two weeks (since we got back from the holidays), Charlie has been refusing his bottles at school. His teachers say he turns his head and spits the milk back at them. One of his teachers is adamant (sp?) that he just needs some formula. What? She says he doesn't want what is "in" the bottles. To me that is absurd. He nurses fine at home. We have tried faster flow nipples, I have even added a little formula to his bottles one day this week. Nothing is working. I don't want my little man to cry all day and refuse his bottles. Apparently he eventually takes them, I guess they just have to wear him down until he gives in. I just don't know what to do. Since I stay home with him two days a week, should I sent him to school more often so he takes more bottles? Should I try and switch to a sippy cup? HELP!

I am leaving for two days next week and am worried that Randy and my Mom are going to struggle with him too. We are going to give him a couple of bottles this weekend to see how he does with Randy giving them. Wish us luck!
Charlie is loving standing these days. we've felt our first little tooth. We are so excited!

Just playing around while Mom changes the sheets on the bed.

Okay, this may seem a little forced but we are just entering the brother/sister bonding time. Charlie is getting old enough to "play" with things and Addie is more than happy to help him out.

We are trying to do some walking here ---no crawling yet though.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Christmas 2008

A quick last minute family pic. Of course not everyone is looking at the camera. I am hoping there will come a time where it isn't just by chance that we get a good family picture.

I love this picture of Addie. She is just quietly sitting "reading" a book. Love it!

Charlie riding his giraffe he got from Uncle David on Christmas.

Hanging out with Daddy at Grammy & Papa's house.

I just want to touch him!