Monday, December 10, 2007

Pet & Playmate Tucker

We're just horsing around with Tucker. Either Tucker was too tired to fight being sat on or he has just been worn down enough not to resist her.

A big kiss for our great-grandmother, Mema. The family (minus Laura who is taking the pic, and David who is still asleep @ noon) picture.

A Meeting of the Minds

Aunt Laura and Addie discussing which wreath to buy!

Shooting Her First Gun

Addie learning to work her first gun! It is really a vintage toy gun that just has a cork for a "bullet".


Having dinner with the family at Thanksgiving. It was a real treat this year to have my sister, Laura, my brother, David and my grandmother all in town for Thanksgiving. Our crazy schedules make it difficult to bring everyone together so this was a real blessing.

Going with Grammy and Papa to pick out their Xmas tree. It was really cold that day and Addie had a ball helping Papa (Aimee's dad) "carry" the tree to the register at Home Depot.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Baby Say #2

Sorry I haven't posted lately. Thanksgiving pictures to come soon. Thought I would post an image of our newest addition. We had an ultrasound this morning and captured our first glimpse of our new little one. It was just as special as when we saw Addie for the first time.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Halloween Moods!

Not happy here at all. Mommy decided to take my pacifier from me to get a better picture. That really paid off, let me tell you!

Feeling much better now that I have my paci back. Love going down the slide but my wings kept getting in the way! We didn't really go trick or treating on Halloween this year. We went back to our old neighborhood and visited with some of our old neighbors. We even went to our old house and got a tour from the new owner. She has done some great things to it and it is super cute! She kept commenting on how much she loves the house. That made Randy and I feel really good that she loves the house as much as we did. We miss it!

Helping with Laundry!

Addie discovered just how much fun it is to get in the laundry hamper and surprise us! She must have staying in there for an hour just amusing herself. It really is a perfect fit!

Halloween Party!

Addie's class had a Halloween party. It was lots of fun. I made cupcakes and was supposed to make them with no nut products. I thought I had but apparently there was something this one kid was allergic to in the icing that made her breakout. Luckily, it only took a little Benadryl and she was all better.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

More Pumpkin Time

I think we've found just the right one for Addie.
A lady at the pumpkin patch was nice enough to take our picture. Atleast Addie is looking at the camera. It is a rare event when she will smile. It was a great day and Addie had a great time going through all the pumpkins.

Pumpkin Patch - Looking for the perfect one!

Bubblebath Time

Our first official bubble bath. We loved it!

Addie has been practicing jumping lately. Here she is trying it off the front steps. Telling mommy and daddy where to go has become a she is telling us to go with her to watch the squirrels.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Having Fun In The Backyard!

We had great weather today (high was 70 degrees). So, it was like fall in the backyard.

Mastering The Slide!

Addie has recently mastered climbing up
the slide stairs and going down the slide all
by herself! She is becoming such a big girl!

Yes, we're pregnant!

For those of you who don't know, Randy and I are expecting our second child June 4, 2008. We are so excited to have another one on the way. Addie is going to be a great big sister. She already loves taking care of her babies (dolls). She is going to be a great helper to Mommy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Addie loves being outside in the backyard. Randy is always taking pictures every chance he gets!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lately we've become fascinated with wear Daddy's shoes. Addie can't walk far but sure gets a kick out of trying...

Brushing Our Teeth

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Our First Mommies Group Outing

We had tons of fun today with all our new friends. We met at a local park and then had lunch at Pie In The Sky. The kids got to play with pizza dough (which kept them busy until the pizza arrived!). Addie had spagetti with meatballs and loved it! We can't wait until our next visit.

This is Zack - one of Addie's new friends!